Friday, September 21, 2012

Good Afternoon,

This past week I have been working on a post for the WLA blogger that focuses on the involvement of Helen Sauer Brown in issues of women's equality and war peace activism. I went through all of her speeches and writings in order to find precisely what I wanted to represent. I would submit a link to the blog post right now, however, I just submitted it to be revised by my supervisor so I will send it along next week when everything has been finalized. However, I can share its contents which highlight her education at Mundelein, parts of her war resistance letter, her involvement in peace marches in Washington D.C., speaking in Springfield, Illinois to advocate for the passage of the ERA amendment, and a wedding photo which was taken sixty-eight years ago. I was extremely fascinated by the life this woman led and how she was able to contribute so much to her community while raising nine kids. Something unfortunate about what we have in our archives is that there is no information on what she has been doing in the past ten or so years. I am sure that she has settled down recently, but I would be interested to know what she is still doing with her time. As I said earlier, I will submit the link in the upcoming post.

As for today, I have recently begun working on another project. This will focus on the life of Mary Agnes Curran. She was a teacher, social rights activist, and a missionary. She dedicated a majority of her life to working with Latina women in the United States who have experienced physical assault. Not only this, but she also brought in solar technology for households with no electricity. This was conducted through a ministry she created in Parajarito Masa, New Mexico. Another interesting component of this woman's life is that she was present during the Nicaraguan Revolution in which there was constant killing for a long period of time. Unfortunately, she ended up leaving this country, but did create a women's center in Mexico. There is a lot of information to highlight when studying this woman, and so I may spend more time than the last project creating my display. I need to be careful in not having a large focus and truly discussing the essentials of her life.  Please stay posted for the updates on my new project!


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